Protecting your rights in the workplace.

Month: June 2022

Am I Required to Disclose My Pregnancy to My Employer?
Posted in Firm News,Pregnancy Discrimination on June 1, 2022

Pregnancy disclosure can be a sensitive topic for many women, especially early in the first trimester and in certain industries where it may be frowned upon or discriminated against. While this apprehension is valid, these employees should also know that they have a right to their privacy when it comes to pregnancy under California law….

Can I Be Denied a Job for Being Pregnant?
Posted in Firm News,Pregnancy Discrimination on June 1, 2022

When job searching, it is not uncommon for a pregnant woman to question whether she will be considered a viable candidate by the employer because of her pregnancy status. Although illegal in California, pregnancy discrimination happens every day, and those seeking a job may experience it during the application and interview stages. However, there are…