Protecting your rights in the workplace.

Month: May 2024

California Disability Discrimination Laws
Posted in Disability Discrimination on May 24, 2024

California is known for its strong labor laws, especially when it comes to protecting employees with disabilities. Disability discrimination in the workplace is not only unethical but also illegal under both state and federal laws. If you are an employee in California, understanding your rights and the protections under these laws is crucial. Laws Protecting…

Common Types of Race Discrimination and How To Address Them
Posted in Discrimination on May 17, 2024

Despite extensive legal protections, race discrimination still occurs in various forms, making it crucial for employees to recognize and address these injustices. Types of Race Discrimination in the Workplace Race discrimination can manifest in several ways, often creating a hostile work environment. The most common types include: Direct Discrimination: This occurs when an employee is…

Common Types of Religious Discrimination in the Workplace and How to Address Them
Posted in Discrimination on May 10, 2024

Religious discrimination in the workplace is a serious issue that can significantly impact an employee’s career and well-being. There are various forms of religious discrimination that can occur and here is guidance on how to handle such situations effectively. Common Types of Religious Discrimination Harassment Religious harassment involves unwelcome comments or actions related to an…

How To File a Workplace Harassment Case in Los Angeles
Posted in Harassment on May 2, 2024

Workplace harassment is a serious issue that affects many employees, undermining their well-being, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. If you are experiencing harassment at work in Los Angeles, it’s crucial to understand your rights and the steps you need to take to file a harassment case. Understanding Workplace Harassment Workplace harassment involves unwelcome conduct based…